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How are the images checked – image moderation?

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How are the images checked – image moderation?

Since we receive a lot of new pictures every day and have to check them, all profile pictures and also all pictures that are sent from one user to the other in the chat are checked via the solution of our partner The completely GDPR-compatible solution, which does not store any data and certainly no pictures or names, gives us a lot of information, e.g. recognizing whether someone appears alone in a picture, is naked and much more. Next, irisnet will also check whether the person is e.g. a woman (on the face) and what hair color the picture contains. The constant further development, from which we and all other customers of irisnet participate, helps us and everyone else to automatically make decisions without delay. Of course, we can still exert influence at any time and particularly controversial decisions are always presented to a person who looks at pictures and profiles. Have a look at